Thursday, October 9, 2014

San Francisco Cancer Patient Arrange her own Death (01 November 2014)

Brittany Maynard wishes to visit the Grand Canyon before she dies, married and just 29-year-old living in San Francisco, battling with stage 4 brain cancer. The brain tumor is the full-on reason why Brittany is planning to end her life on earth on the 01 November 2104, leaving her loveable family and friends behind.
San Francisco Cancer Patient Arrange her own Death
On her Assisted Suicide decision Brittany launched a nationwide campaign, while calling for death with dignity laws, she also released a YouTube video explain some facts of her life and the reason for the assisted suicide to leave home base in the state of California to be allowed her act  under the law called "Oregon Death with Dignity Act"

Brittany Explains in the video why she don't want the body and brain take it own course as it was described to her. With her deliberate Euthanasia action she says its providing her the amount of relief not to die as told.On video interviews were held with her mother, Debbie Ziegler and her married patner Dan Diaz, who explains the emptiness that will be left behind when Brittany goes.

She say she will Die in her room, with her husband and mother next to her bed.

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